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To see if an open seat is available for a test, follow these three steps.
Select a Date
Some Test Centers may not offer tests for all possible dates.
Select a Test Center
Choose a Location. Locations are sorted by state.
Location: (Hold the Ctrl key to select more than one location)
INTL: Jordan
INTL: Lebanon
USA CA, Riverside (public)
USA FL, Tampa (public)
USA KS, Manhattan (public)
USA MI, Dearborn(public)
USA NJ, Mount Laurel (public)
USA NJ, Roseland (institutional)
USA TX, Houston (public)
USA VA, Herndon (public)
USA, Online
Select a Test.
Choose a test type. All types will appear in the dropdown below.
Test: (Hold the Ctrl key to select more than one test)
Lab-Based TOEFL ITP Digital Test US$77/JOD 55
Public TOEIC 4 Skills - Lebanon ($90 US)
Public TOEIC 4 Skills ($155 US - 110 JD)
TOEFL ITP Digital: Virtual Testing with Remote Proctoring
TOEIC Listening & Reading Official Test - JORDAN
TOEIC Listening and Reading Official test - Lebanon ($100)
USA Public TOEIC Speaking & Writing Test
USA Public TOEIC Speaking and Writing Test - Remotely Proctored
USA Public TOEIC Speaking Test
Check for Seat Availability
The following Dates are offered for your selected Test Center.
The seat you request will not be reserved until after you have made your payment.